12 Movies that are just as good as the books they are based on…

…at least according to The Huffington Post:


Whenever a discussion is offered regarding movies that are as good as (or better) than the books they are based on, there always two that always appear:  The Godfather and Jaws.

I suspect this is the case because while both books were very popular, there are few who consider them “classics” in the literary sense…while both films are clearly considered classics in their medium (and there are those who feel The Godfather is the single best film ever made!).

Moving beyond those two, I’m among those who feels that The Shining is a far, far better film versus the novel.  That’s not to say that I feel the novel is “bad”, it certainly isn’t…but to me the film managed to hit this creepy little switch in your brain that almost no other horror films have been able to do.  The Shining is an immersive work, one that guides you into its terror from the opening frame and keeps you there, admiring its beauty while knowing there is a jet black heart beating below its surface.

Think I’ll give it another look real soon! 😉