A couple of fun/funny lists via Cracked.com, both dealing with movies…
First up, 6 Mind-Blowing Easter Eggs Hidden in Famous Movies…
Perhaps my favorite bit is #5, the many references in Toy Story (Particularly Toy Story 3) to, of all movies, The Shining! A curious choice to make references to an “R” rated horror movie in a “G” rated (primarily) kid’s movie!
As for some of the other items, the one I was most familiar with (and which most fans of the Evil Dead movies already know as well), is the famous Oldsmobile featured in several Sam Raimi directed/associated films.
Next up, 5 Clever Movie Schemes You Didn’t Realize Were Stupid:
I was more familiar with several of these. The Django Unchained one, in particular, I couldn’t agree with more. When I originally reviewed the film, I noted that so much pain and possible death could have been avoided by, of all damn things, simply shaking a person’s hand. But the reality is that the whole entire climax made very little sense. As noted, there was no reason for Django himself to be involved in the entire climax, and Dr. Schultz could have come up with a far less bloated plan to buy Broomhilda from her owner. Then again, had they used a far more logical means of getting to this end, the movie wouldn’t have had its “explosive” climax.
As for the #1 entry, the latest James Bond film Skyfall, I likewise agree with the points being made. I have to admit enjoying the film as it moved along and it was only afterwards and as I thought about what I had just seen that I realized how nonsensical the whole thing was. Case in point was the whole climax, as noted in the Cracked entry. Why was Judi Dench’s M there at all? She didn’t need to be. There was no way the villain could have known if she was when he attacked.
And the bottom line is this: The villain essentially accomplishes everything he set out to do, despite Bond.
Way to go, James!