This is…interesting

From, 29 Insane Pastimes That Prove History Was Terrifying:

If your interest isn’t piqued -or, alternatively, grossed out- with the very first entry (blowing tobacco smoke up people’s rectums being thought of as a way to save someone from drowning), then this list isn’t for you! 😉

Secondly (I always find more than one humorous/horrifying list from at a time), check out their second list of 10 Great Songs by The Worst Bands of All Time…

Now, I can’t quite agree with all their choices.  At least one of the bands/artists presented I find better than they do (though they are hardly a favorite), while others I simply cannot stand to listen to at all.  Of the choices presented, however, there is one that I strongly agree with and that admission…well, its a hard one to make but here it goes: I really, really like Brittney Spears’ song “Toxic”.

Mind you (oh the shame!!) I was never a fan of Ms. Spears’ music even in her heyday and that’s putting it kindly.  Her brand of bubblegum pop, while I can certainly see what many others liked about it, never appealed to me.

So the years pass and Brittney Spears’ star sets a little (OK, perhaps quite a bit) and then, one day, I’m driving along down the road and the radio announcer on a local radio station comes on and states that he’s about to play the latest Brittney Spears song and its called “Toxic.”

Just as I’m about to change the station I hesitate.  Perhaps I was coming close to a red light or perhaps someone driving beside me nearly drifted into my lane…whatever it was that happened, I was forced to focus on the road rather than on changing the radio station and the song starts playing.  And I’m listening to it.

And I’m not changing the channel.

When the song eventually ends, I smile and shake my head.

Not bad.  Not bad at all.

Your mileage, as the saying goes, may certainly vary!