More from Cracked…

Love this website.  Interesting mix of both Informative AND hilarious articles.  A few I’ve checked out recently:

First up is a list of 5 Movies That Shamelessly Ripped Off Obscure Ones:

Fascinating list, particularly the #4 movie displayed, Raiders of the Lost Ark.  The “look” and some aspects of that very famous film sure are similar to the far more obscure Charlton Heston 1954 film Secret of the Incas.

Another movie, the classic 1979 horror/sci-fi hybrid Alien, clearly owed plenty to the atmospheric 1965 film Planet of the Vampires, as well as the other movie presented (I’ll leave that for you to discover!).  When I first saw Planet of the Vampires, I already knew that it had been an “influence” on Alien.  Seeing it proved a revelation.  While Planet of the Vampires is very low budget (and it shows at times), it features several sequences that seem to have been taken almost whole in Alien, including the crashed alien craft complete with a dead alien pilot!

Interesting stuff!

Next, 20 Most Amazing People You’ve Never Heard Of:

Really fascinating list, including the person who created the first video game/video game system, the first jet airplane, the first porn film (!), the actual First President of the United States, and the man who influenced both Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud.

An eclectic and fascinating list, though you may find some examples far more interesting than others.

Finally, here’s a podcast exploring the question of why some music and movies go “bad” over time: 

The topic to me is fascinating because I’ve certainly experienced film/music that in my younger years really enjoyed but as I grew older didn’t.  Meanwhile, there are other examples of film/music that you enjoyed as a youth that you still enjoy tremendously.

What makes one still work while the other no longer does?

Again, interesting stuff.  Enjoy!