Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice Trailer #3

Aired last night (featuring Ben “the bomb” Affleck!):

What has me the most curious are the various comments from people.  While there are those who like what they saw, there is soooo much hate directed at this film…a film that hasn’t even been released yet!

Why is that?

I suppose in part its leftover feelings toward Man of Steel.  I can understand if you were disappointed with the film and, given the fact that the same director returned for this film, you’re pessimistic.

But have the clips/trailers released so far been that bad?


So I’m thinking maybe we’re dealing with something else.  Way back when there was this whole “Marvel vs. DC” mentality.  There were comic book fans who absolutely refused to read DC comics because Marvel comics were “the best”.  When the current wave of superhero movies came out, there was little doubt the Marvel movies this time around were doing very well for themselves, with some minor exceptions.

During this period of time we’ve had a large assortment of Marvel movies and, from DC, the completed Nolan trilogy of Batman films and Man of Steel.  I enjoyed the Nolan Batman films though I considered them flawed.  I also enjoyed many of the Marvel films and consider Captain America The Winter Soldier one of the absolute best superheroes ever made.  Even as I say this, for the life of me I can’t understand what people found so good about Guardians of the Galaxy (hated that film, sorry!).

What I’m trying to say here is: I take each new movie as it comes, even as I (paradoxically) fear that we may eventually -perhaps very soon- reach a (ahem) supersaturation point.

I have yet to see Man of Steel (though I have the BluRay) and can only judge Batman v Superman based on the trailers/clips.  And based on that…I’m digging what I’ve seen so far.

In this newest trailer, I like the interactions between the characters.  I laughed at the way Lex Luthor gets between Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne and (without him knowing it?) presents what I’m assuming is the plot of the movie in his small soundbite.  Lex notes how he “loves to introduce people” then states of Clark “you wouldn’t want to get into a fight with him”.

You can accuse the writers of going for cheesy, but I’ll be damned if I didn’t find it…fun.

So many people lamented the dour tone of Man of Steel and the seemingly equally dour tone of this movie as presented in the previous trailers and clips.  And now, when a commercial hints to the possibility that the film may have a light/humorous touch as well, they jump on that and say the dialogue is ridiculous.

Has the whole Marvel vs. DC thing spread to the movies as well?  And of those people who express the most vitriol against this not-yet-released film, will their opinion change when they see the entire film?

More importantly, could it change?

For all I know, Batman v Superman might wind up being a terrible film.  But based on the trailers and clips I’ve seen so far, I’m optimistic.