Florida Governor Rick Scott wild Starbucks adventure…

I live in Florida.  I loathe Governor Rick Scott.  Therefore, I couldn’t help but smile when he walked into a Starbucks and was confronted by one Cara Jennings…

Found the article with the video here:

Florida Governor Rick Scott Can’t Even Get a Cup of Coffee at a Local Starbucks

Look, I’m all for polite political discourse but there are people out there like Mr. Scott who are so entrenched in their horrid beliefs that they simply cannot and will not accept any reason.

Want an example?  How about this: He’s the Governor of Florida and not only does he (along with so many “conservative” politicians) not believe in Global Warming, which may well result in most of “his” state being underwater in the near future, but actively banned any mention of the term by state agencies!

Way to confront a possible reality, Rick!

Yes sir, I’m so proud of the people of Florida for (barely) electing him…Can’t wait ’til he’s long gone.