Politics, again…


For those still here:

One of the more interesting animal myths is that of the lemming.  You know the concept, if nothing else…

Image result for lemming following each other off the cliff

Those who “know” about lemmings and the fact that they follow each other, even off a cliff, should also know this: It is a myth.  This myth first appeared in, of all things, the Walt Disney Studios “White Wilderness” episode of the True Life Adventure series, released in 1958 (you can read about this here).

While the myth is just that, there is something, obviously, that resonated with this myth.  The idea that a group of animals could, en mass, blindly follow their leader to their death(s) was something that’s grabbed the human imagination.

Today, as we approach the 2016 Presidential Election, people have noted that as opposed to days past, there are fewer and fewer “cross party” voters.  In other words, if you vote Republican or Democratic, you tend to do so for the rest of the ticket.  Thus, your vote for your Republican/Democratic candidate for Presidency -the biggest vote- tends to mean you’re more likely than ever to then vote for subsequent Republican/Democratic candidates for Senate, the House, etc. etc.

This does not mean, however, there isn’t a breaking point, a point where you can no longer stomach “your” candidate and begin the sometimes painful mental process of realizing you cannot follow what your party is offering.

It appears that to many, this happened with the Repulican candidacy of Donald Trump.  While there remain those who support him, there have been many prominent conservative minds who rejected his candidacy and refuse to vote for him.

Now, in this fascinating article by Michelle Goldberg and presented on Slate magazine, another large group, self-described conservative women, also appear to have had enough:

The Anguish of Being A GOP Woman In The Age of Trump

As of today, Monday the 24th of October, indications are that Donald Trump will not only lose the Presidency, but do so in a rather historic fashion.

Until the day of the election, this is obviously not something written in stone.

However, articles like the above show why Donald Trump, with his abrasive style and even more abrasive message, has a tough -perhaps impossible- path toward winning this election.

If self-described conservative women are finding it difficult to vote for Mr. Trump, one huge piece of the Republican electorate, then what chances does he have?