Corrosive Knights, a 4/18/18 update


It’s been twenty days since my last Corrosive Knights update of 3/28/18, and I’m very, VERY pleased to announce I’ve just now finished the rewrites of draft #5 of the latest book in the series, Book #7…

In this new draft, I’ve cut quite a bit of stuff and taken the book from 288 pages (single spaced) down to 246.  A lot of the stuff that was cut out was either alternate “takes” of scenes or stuff I put in the back of certain chapters and wondered if this stuff would be needed and/or could be used in any new draft.  The answer, to many of those bits and pieces, was a “no”.

So the book is far more streamlined and that much closer to having everything in its proper place.

Note too, that it took me much less time to get through this than getting draft #4 done, which took something like 3-4 months.

That’s what happens as the book nears completion, things are more likely to fall in place and less “creative” writing is necessary while more grammatical/spelling type things rise to the forefront.

Regardless, as of today draft #5 is history and its off to draft #6.

I can’t wait for you all to see it!