Strap yourselves in…

…’cause here we go again.

This is the latest (5 pm, 8/28) track of Hurricane Dorian…

cone graphic

How about that? The entire state of Florida for the most part is in the so-called “cone of concern”, which denotes where the storm may be by Sunday and Monday, when it may make landfall in the United States.

For those interested/concerned who want to see the latest regarding this, or any, storms, please go to the National Hurricane Center website, which can be found here:

A second site I like to use is the Cyclocane website. This offers the so-called “spaghetti” models, the various mathematical predictive models for storms and where they may go. It’s another way to keep track of storms potentially headed one’s way.

Cyclocane International Hurricane/Cyclone/Thyphoon Tracking Map

Keep safe, everyone out there who may be in the path of these storms.