Tag Archives: Amazon Pilots

Interested in Amazon’s latest pilots…?

Here’s a good review of the latest batch of them, from James Poniewozik for Time Magazine:


Of the ones mentioned, the one that intrigues me the most is The Man In The High Castle.  Based on a story by Phillip K. Dick, the show explores an alternate 1962, where the Nazis and Japanese won WWII and have split the U.S. in two.

The others mentioned, I have to be brutally honest, either mildly (really mildly) appeal to me or don’t at all.  I suspect the odds of me catching any of the others is pretty low.

Speaking of which, anyone else notice we’re living in a hyperentertainment world?  Used to be the amount of entertainment stimulation available to you was very limited.  Nowadays with the internet, cable, DVD/BluRay, Netflix, Red Box, Hulu, Amazon, etc. etc. etc. you have to be picky about exactly what you have time for.  At any given moment you have access to literally thousands of songs, movies, TV shows, books, apps, video games, etc. etc.

For my part I have a very large collection of DVDs/BluRays and it scares me to think how much money I’ve spent over the years buying various features…and how many of them I have yet to see.  Just off the top of my head, I recently picked up X:Men Days of Future Past (have yet to see it), The Long Goodbye (seen it before but wanted to see it again…yet haven’t), Jodorowsky’s Dune (have yet to see it), Breakheart Pass (loved this Charles Bronson film but its been a long time since I’ve seen it and wanted to revisit it), Roshomon (one of the few “classic” Kurasawa films I have yet to see), 8 1/2 (considered one of Fellini’s best films yet one I have yet to see).  And that’s not to mention the various TV series I picked up complete sets of and wanted to see or re-see but haven’t had the time.  Among others, I have the complete series sets of Perry Mason, Mannix, Twilight Zone, Thriller, Farscape, and Battlestar: Galactica.  I’ve seen most of Farscape and Battlestar: Galactica (new series) when they aired, but always wanted to revisit them.  If only I had the time!

Maybe one day when I’m old(er) and retired…