Tag Archives: Ashley Madison breach

Well that didn’t take long…or Oh Boy, Part II

Yesterday I wrote about the group involved in hacking Ashley Madison, the website devoted to married couples interested in starting an extra-marital affair, had released the information they stole (You can read about that here).

Let’s be clear here: What that hacking group did was illegal.  They deemed themselves entitled to not only break into this (admittedly rather sleazy) business’ private servers and steal all their data but also morally superior enough to release this material to the public at large.

That’s not to say I’m defending Ashley Madison or their clients.  As I said, the website boasts the ability of supposed married individuals to hook up with other supposed married individuals.  The clients who frequented the site were clearly hoping to find action outside their married life.

Having said all that, I wondered how long it would take before some “big” names were linked to the service.  It took all of one day and the “winner” is…

Conservative Family Values Activist, member of the now defunct reality show 19 Kids and Counting, and alleged molester of five young women (including four of whom were his sisters) Josh Duggar.  The story:


One of my all time favorite quotes comes from Ralph Waldo Emerson and it goes like this:

The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons.

Putting aside (if at all possible) the whole Ashley Madison stuff for the moment, what is it about those who are the ones most engaged in public moralization that makes them so ripe to be involved in actions that run counter to their oh-so-loud moralizing?

There’s nothing new under the sun regarding hypocrisy, of course, yet one can easily lose track of the number of people, from senators to congressmen to clergymen to business leaders to what-have-you who talk one way yet whose actions are decidedly opposite of what they preach.

Which names will we find in the list tomorrow?

Oh boy…

Are you at all familiar with the Ashley Madison website?  You know, the website that caters to married individuals looking to…uh…spice up their sex life by allowing them to find willing affair partners?

Well, a little while back a hacker group claimed they had broken into the website and taken their database of some 37 million users.  Was the breach real?  Looks like it might have been as the hackers have released the data to the “dark web”:


What does this mean?  Clearly anyone who used the website is now exposed, along with their personal and credit card information.  Given the nature of the website, those who are exposed may be in for a world of hurt when their spouses/significant others get wind of their lurking (at the very least) on that particular website.  And if some of the clients of that website wind up being higher ups in government or industry…?


As a society it seems we’re captivated and repulsed by sexuality.  We can’t get enough of it but it’s filthy to even consider it.  As parents we shield our daughters -how many times have you heard the old “my daughter won’t date until she’s in her 30’s” joke?- yet paradoxically encourage our sons to “play the field” (who exactly will they play the field with?).

We have no big problem with violent action on the television or movie screen but when presented with sexual matters, we’re quick to slap labels on it and, in some cases, hear from others how grotesque such displays of affection (!) are.

I don’t mean to get into a rant so I’ll get to my point: Ashley Madison is a perfect example of society’s sexual mores.  Politicians and “well respected” people rant and rail about our sexualized society yet when the opportunity is presented to covertly engage in your sexual fantasies, people (to the tune of at least 37 million) take advantage of such a service and now they may well stand exposed.

Am I applauding this big reveal?  Absolutely not.  And neither do I want to come off as Mr. Know-It-All…

I suppose the only thing I wish is that we as a society would grow up and honestly face our desires and urges instead of railing against them while engaging in them when we think no one is looking.