Tag Archives: Brady Bunch

You know you’re curious…!

5 Things You Probably Never Knew About The Brady Bunch:


At this point in time, you probably have to be someone in and around my age to understand the whole “Brady Bunch” thing.  Like Star Trek and Gilligan’s Island, The Brady Bunch was one of those shows that seemed to always be on in reruns somewhere and gaining popularity as time went on.

I suspect that now, with the overflow of new and interesting (and some not so interesting) TV shows and the relative dearth of actual TV broadcasted reruns (thanks to their availability through Netflix, Amazon, or DVD), shows like The Brady Bunch may be or will lose their cult status at some point in the future.

Still, it was interesting to see this list.  I wasn’t all that surprised to find that the show was originally at best a moderate ratings success, reaching only #34 in the Nielsen Ratings of programs on at the time (remember, back then you had only three main networks, PBS, and maybe another local station on the tube).  After all, the original Star Trek was a ratings loser as well, requiring considerable fan mail to even have a third season before being cancelled.

By the way, one thing that always intrigued me: What happened to the original spouses of Mike and Carol?

I’m thinking wood chipper.