Tag Archives: Elsa Lanchester

Sketchin’ 90

If you’ve followed my art presentations, you’ll see that sometimes I get hooked on a particular genre and keep at it until its time to move on.
In that spirit, we have here a third piece presenting the Universal Monsters of the past, this time 1935’s The Bride of Frankenstein.  Present is Elsa Lanchester as the “Bride” and Colin Clive as Dr. Frankenstein.
Interestingly, reading up on the movie I found out Colin Clive suffered a broken leg shortly before filming bega.  He is therefore mostly seen here either sitting or standing still to compensate for the injury.  Mr. Clive would pass away only two years later at the very young age of 37, a victim of pneumonia which was exacerbated by a long history of alcoholism.
Very sad indeed.