Tag Archives: Graham

Apropos of Nothing, part deux…

Very weird story found here:

Meet Graham: The Only Person To Survive On Our Roads

From the story, by Rae Johnston at Gizmodo Australia:

…the Transport Accident Commission has collaborated with a leading trauma surgeon, a crash investigation expert and a world-renowned Melbourne artist to produce ‘Graham’, an interactive lifelike model demonstrating human vulnerability.

Graham is a representation of what a human body geared toward surviving car accidents would look like.  As noted in the article, our bodies, through years of evolution, can survive hitting a wall, for example, while running at it but vehicular accidents are (obviously) beyond the range of what our bodies can handle without any kind of safety harness/features.

Therefore, the design of Graham is a suggestion of what our bodies might look like if they could withstand harsher/faster impacts.

So, what would people “designed” to survive car crashes (and Donald Trump rallies) look like?

Glad you asked:

There are more photos available at the above link above, if you’re curious.

A very weird concept and topic yet one that nonetheless proved intriguing to me.