Tag Archives: Worst Films of 2014

Worst Films of 2014

One can quickly list several films from the previous year one really, really enjoyed, but there is a weird fascination I have -perhaps it’s a bit of sadism- for worst film lists.

I’m certain the people behind these particular works tried hard to make the best film they could with the money/time/talent they had at their disposal but for whatever reason, the project, in the eyes of many, simply failed.

Perhaps spectacularly.

So, in honor of these failed works, a roundup of “Worst Films of 2014” lists, starting with the AV Club:


In this particular list I’ve seen a grand total of…one film: 3 Days To Kill.  I didn’t hate that film but freely admit it wasn’t an earth shattering experience.  Still, #2 worst film of the year?  I don’t know about that.

Next up, Drew McWeeny’s list, presented in hitflix.com:


In this case, I’ve seen exactly…none of them, though I admit being curious about Sin City: A Dame To Kill For.  I thought the original Sin City film, if nothing else, was an incredibly faithful adaptation of Frank Miller’s comic books/graphic novels.  Unfortunately, while I love the artwork and general “look” of those books, apart from the first Sin City graphic novel each subsequent story Mr. Miller presented was a little -sometimes a lot– worse than the one that preceded it.  By the time Mr. Miller reached the last of the books, which I believe was released well before the first Sin City film, whatever muse he was following had long ago abandoned him.

Mr. Weeny’s brief description of why he chose this particular film as one of his worst for 2014 touches upon some of my fears as to what to expect in this work.  Perhaps I won’t be seeing it any time soon after all…

Next up, Rolling Stone’s list:


Again, saw only one film on this list: The Expendables 3.  Like 3 Days To Kill, I didn’t absolutely hate the film but can certainly understand why someone might.  It wasn’t a great film but I feel that had the other two Expendable films not been made this film would have received more positive word of mouth.  Still not saying anyone would have looked at the film as some kind of cinematic nirvana, though.

Finally, USA Today’s list of 2014 Turkeys:


The Expendables 3 makes this list as well and the others…haven’t seen ’em.

Finally, MovieInsider.com offers the following list of worst films based on a polling of ratings:


While looking over the various lists, what stuck me most interesting is how many right wing/christian conservative works were released in the previous year and how it appears most, if not all of them, were so ill-regarded.  In this particular list, the “worst” film is Left Behind, but in other some of the other lists above you’ll find such right wing fare as God’s Not Dead, Atlas Shrugged III, Saving Christmas, and America: Imagine a World Without Her.

I wonder if next year we’ll see even more such fare?