Tag Archives: Zoo

Where has the time gone…?

I’ve heard it said that for every decade that passes in one’s life, time feels like its going faster and faster and faster.

For me, its passing at light speed.

While doing my usual search through the internet for interesting stories, I came upon this one at thehollywoodreporter.com.  The article was written by Lesley Goldberg and concerns…

Zoo Canceled at CBS After 3 Seasons

If you’ve never heard of the show, it is based on a James Patterson novel (he’s the producer of the show as well) that concerns a world where animals attack our protagonists.

While I had heard of the show, the extent of my actually watching it is limited to seeing, perhaps, two or three commercials of it here and there.

Having said that, I was stunned to find the show has been on for 3 years.

3 years.

Holy cow.

I won’t miss the show but I will wonder what happened to those three years.

Has it really been that long?!