The day after Memorial Day, at least for the past decade or so, always feels like a time I can finally exhale.
These past few years I’ve been knee deep in whatever my latest novel is, tweaking this and re-writing that, and this year is no exception. Other issues always crop up, of course, from school and helping the kids with their homework to other work related issues.
It all simmers and boils and reaches its apex on the Memorial Day weekend. Then, just like that, most of the pressures fade.
My latest novel, the fourth book in the Corrosive Knights series, is just about done. Today I should finish the fourth draft. I’m estimating going over the book at least two more times before feeling comfortable enough to finally release it, but the worst seems to be over. Like all my books, this one has its share of twists and turns. To make those myriad twists and turns “work” within the context of the book, I have to make sure they follow a logical path, thus the need to go over the material several times.
I can’t wait to release the book. I think it’ll provide plenty of enjoyment to those who have read the other three books in this series, Mechanic, The Last Flight of the Argus, and Chameleon.
On that topic, thanks for the kind reviews and emails sent from people who have read the books. As a relatively “new” author, I often wonder if the work I put into these books is something that others can appreciate. Based on the growing sales and those already mentioned comments, it appears the books have struck a chord with some.
Again, thank you very much. I’ll try to get the next one out as soon as I can!