Tag Archives: Corrosive Knights

Corrosive Knights: A 7/16/16 (and about damn time) update

This is a photograph of my desk, taken just moments ago:

At the Desk

What you see on the photo’s left side is my printer printing out the completed 9th draft of my latest Corrosive Knights novel, which will have this cover (the title will be kept secret just a little longer):

Corrosive Knights Book #6

…and which I offered the following promotion for:

Foundry Web Ad

I began this latest draft of the book just a little over two months ago, on 5/12/16 and it really hurts to see it took me this long to get through this draft, especially since it took me about a month to do draft #8.

Why the considerably longer time?

Two factors:  First, because of this particular time of the year, ie summer, I’ve been traveling about.  Sadly, my travels do not involve any actual vacationing.  Instead, I’ve been helping my youngest daughter as she’s started up college and had to move in for her summer courses (it was recommended all freshmen take at least one summer course so they can acclimate themselves to this new setting).  Shortly, I’ll be moving her out as well as helping my other daughter move to her new apartment (thank goodness it is in the same building) and she starts her new year in college.

Maybe we’ll get some actual, honest to goodness vacation time.

We’ll see.

The second reason it took so long to do this draft is that while the first half of the book was pretty much good to go and required little more than grammatical/spelling corrections, the second half of the book required much more.

I was forced to get down and dirty and sift through almost every single damn line to get that second half of the book “right”.  On the plus side, the end result should make this second half of the book almost print ready.  It has to, given all the work involved!

But there’s little need to bore you with this, the bottom line is that I’m that much closer to being….DONE!!!!  FINISHED!!!!


But before getting too excited, I’ll finish printing out this completed draft and, yes, once again revise it.  At that point I’ll have an even better idea of how far off we are from publishing this thing.

Regardless, we’re closer to the end.  We should be there quicker than you think.

Corrosive Knights, a 6/15/16 update

I’m working hard at the latest draft of book #6 of the Corrosive Knights series and feel that once I get through it, what follows should be just grammatical/spelling issues and then the book’s release.  Hopefully sooner rather than later but, as I said before, this summer is jam packed with things that are competing with my time.

In the meanwhile, let me whet your appetite with a little teaser of this upcoming book:

Foundry Web Ad

Soon, baby…soon.


Corrosive Knights, a 5/12/16 update

Corrosive Knights Book 6 drafts

The image above consists of two folders.  The lower, thicker folder is filled with all 8 drafts of Corrosive Knights Book #6, whose cover (but not title, not yet anyway!) will look like this:

Corrosive Knights Book #6

My update today is this: I’m done with draft #8, which I started on April 7, so it took me just a little over one month to read that latest draft, make revisions by pen, then transfer said revisions to the computer.

Once done this morning, I printed out the new draft, #9, and intend to start reading/revising it by either later today or tomorrow.  Draft #9 is within that smaller blue folder on top of the thicker one filled with older drafts.

So, where does book #6 stand as of today?  There’s good news to relate along with a bit of bad news.

First the good: I think I’ve nailed the book’s plot down completely.  As of this draft the book runs a very healthy 102,817 words long though it is possible/likely when I finish the revisions to come (I’ll get to that in a moment) that number will go downwards.

Again, the story is pretty much all there, which is an incredibly big step toward its completion.

Now the (somewhat) bad: I did add a bit of stuff to the book this previous go-around, especially towards the novel’s conclusion and this will need revision and its why I suspect the word count will drop.  I have a very bad habit of repeating things and have to catch myself and make sure I do this as little as possible.

The second somewhat bad thing is that I feel this novel will require two more full revisions and perhaps another couple of smaller, targeted revisions focused on those elements I added last.  If I don’t do them right, the book will fail.

So, it took me approximately one month to do this revision, a rather short period of time and I suspect subsequent revisions will take even less time, provided I’m not busy doing other things.  Unfortunately summer is just about upon us and at least two of the next three weekends will be swamped for me.

If I had to make a guess as to when the book will be done and considering my very bad previous predictions (I had hoped to finish the book in February, then May…I really should retire from the business of making predictions), it is conceivable the book will be ready around August.

But, again, this is pure guesswork on my part.

Regardless, book #6 in the Corrosive Knights series is moving along very well and I couldn’t be happier with the story told.  It will make for another great piece of the series and trust me when I say I’m incredibly eager to get it released.

Soon, my friends.


Corrosive Knights, a 4/26/2016 update

It’s been…something…these last few days/weeks.  Time I was hoping to use on writing was hijacked by life events and yet I’m feeling giddy.


Because I finished the 8th draft “read-through” of my latest Corrosive Knights books (#6 in the series) and while it was a struggle to find the time to work through it (as well as to re-re-re-read it), towards the end of the book I realized/came up with something significant which clears up one of the bigger problems I had with one of the characters in the book.  This realization not only makes perfect sense, it also makes the book significantly better than before.

And the really funny thing about this is that in retrospect this change is so damned obvious I can’t believe I didn’t think of it from the very beginning!  The change fits so naturally into the story I doubt anyone will realize it was quite literally a near last minute change/add-on!

That’s the funny thing about writing.  While I don’t subscribe to the notion of “characters writing themselves”, there are times I’m surprised when something like what I described above happens.  Perhaps this change/add-on lay in my subconscious all this time and took eight revisions for me to finally “see” it.  Or perhaps it was one of those lucky breaks you get, where the stars align and all works out for the best.

I know, I know, I’m being very vague about this change/add-on but this is deliberate as it involves one of the bigger reveals toward the very end of this novel.

Anyway, as of this morning, here we are:

On task

Over my right shoulder and in that blue folder is the latest read-through of Corrosive Knights book #6.  I’m seconds away from starting the rewriting process and, once finished with this latest draft, will of course print the new draft (#9!) out and give it another revision.

We’re getting closer to the end but it is difficult for me to estimate when I’ll feel this book is “done”.  I’ll have a much better idea when this draft is finished, printed out, and re-read but as of this moment I suspect I’m at least two drafts away from finishing up (I know, I’ve said this before but, as I said above, it is difficult to estimate these things).

Regardless, I remain excited.  The book is progressing and with each draft I’m getting closer and closer to the end.

Let’s hope it comes very soon because I’m dying to get to the next novel.

Corrosive Knights, a look back and forward

Yesterday I presented the cover to what will be Book #6 in the Corrosive Knights series.  I’m still doing revisions on the book but feel we are quickly approaching its eventual release.

With that in mind, I wanted to re-present a post I originally wrote on November 5, 2015 regarding the Corrosive Knights series in general (you can read the original post here).

As this is a re-presentation, I’ve taken the liberty of going over it and cleaning it up a bit.  I suppose this could serve as a FAQ of sorts and maybe I’ll post it as such on my ertorre.com website.


The scope of the story in the Corrosive Knights series is incredibly large, taking place over the course of some 20,000 plus years.  Readers are offered individual and for the most part contained stories which, nonetheless, eventually form a march larger story.

While there have been plenty of stories out there featuring flashbacks and flash-forwards, I think its safe to say no book series -at least none that I’m aware of!- features entire novels that take place in sometimes vastly different times, past and the future, while (hopefully!) logically building up to that larger tale.

The five Corrosive Knights books plus the one I’m currently working on have been/will be released -and ideally should be read- in this order:

Corrosive Knights Covers

I say “ideally” but I’m not being entirely honest: The the first three books of the series,Mechanic, The Last Flight of the Argus, and Chameleon could be read in any order.  They feature unique characters and take place in vastly different times while presenting a very complete story and therefore one could read them in any order they choose.

However, by the time you reach NoxGhost of the Argus, and the still unnamed Book #6, the continuity established in these first three novels kicks in and, while I think the later books could be enjoyed on their own, I HIGHLY recommend you read books 1, 2, and 3 before venturing into the ones that follow.

Now, if I were to tell the Corrosive Knights story in chronological order, i.e. each book’s main story occurring “one after the other” (and ignoring whatever flashback elements are presented within said novels), the story order would go like this:

Corrosive Knights in Chronological Order

That’s right: The book I’m currently working on, #6 of the Corrosive Knights series, actually takes place before the events of The Last Flight of the Argus and Ghost of the Argus.  In fact, they take place a few hundred years before those books!  Yet I would absolutely NOT recommend anyone read that book when it is released in a few short months before already reading the rest of the series and, in particular, The Last Flight of the Argus and Ghost of the Argus.


Because the events of those two books in particular fill in story concepts which have a big payoff in Book #6 and propels the reader into the Corrosive Knights series finale, which will be Book #7.

Fear not, thought.  There will be an epilogue to the series, a Book #8, which will wrap certain things up that weren’t/aren’t wrapped up in Book #7.  Book #8 will also offer what I hope is a great long view of the heroes we’ve followed for so long while focusing on one in particular.  To further screw with your head, I’ve already finished the first draft of Book #8 but only have a chapter or so written (along with a general idea of the story) of Book #7.

Not only is my series presented in a quirky temporal way, so too it would appear is my creative output!


So there you have it.  I thank you for your patience in waiting for the release of each new book in this series.  If I could somehow magically speed up time and get them done faster, trust me I would.

But the books have a habit of taking their time in getting done, not unlike a slow cooked meal.  I refuse to “hurry” things up to the point where I’m releasing a work I know I could “do better” with.

Book #6 in the series is close to being done and when it is, you’ll be the first to know.


Corrosive Knights, a 4/11/16 update…BAM!

And there you go…


Unless I change my mind (a possibility, as is the possibility I do a few minor changes to it between now and the book’s release), this is going to be the cover to Book #6 in the Corrosive Knights series.

As you -hopefully!- can tell, I’m keeping the book’s title a mystery a little longer.  The rectangular color-vomit at the bottom of the page, I assure you, will not be present in the completed work.

For perspective, these are the book covers to this point:

Corrosive Knights CoversNow, to finish that damn book! 😉

Corrosive Knights, a 4/8/16 update

Yesterday I finished the 7th draft of my latest Corrosive Knights novel.

As you can tell by the multitude of updates regarding this book and appearing of late, I’m making good progress on the end stages of the novel.  As I may have mentioned before, the novel as it sits at this moment is almost complete.  I’d say a good 2/3rd to 3/4th of it is just a grammatical/spelling draft away from being done while the other 1/3 to 1/4th requires perhaps a couple more passes to clarify and compress information.

This novel, like all the ones that came before it, has been a great challenge to write.  To me, writing a novel is like creating an intricate jigsaw puzzle piece by piece and without the idea of what the ultimate “picture” will look like.  You create each piece page by page, paragraph by paragraph and word by word and often you’re feeling your way and linking scenes as you move along.

I’m expecting to finish the read-through of draft #8 in a week’s time -or thereabouts- and, depending on how much cleaning up is required, maybe another couple of weeks to do the corrections on the computer.

I’ll provide updates as they come!

Corrosive Knights, a 4/1/16 update

I could go full “April Fool’s Day” and joke about my latest novel, #6 in the Corrosive Knights series, being all ready to go…but I won’t.

I will say this: I’m at roughly 3/4ths of the way through the “corrections” stage of the latest draft and am furiously working on some of the bigger story reveals which occur in this part of the book.

Corrosive Knights series

With a book that is suspenseful (albeit in a sci-fi setting) one of the things one has to work the hardest on is making these big reveals not only sensible in the context of the book but also -if you’ve done your job right!- they should be like a mind-bending body blow to the readers.

Two days ago I tackled the novel’s first really big reveal and felt I did a damn good job cleaning it up.  In that case, I wrote two such reveals in previous drafts and merged them into one this time around.  This happens more than I’d like when I write my novels.  I may write a certain revelatory scene and then, later in the book, realize it may make more sense at that point and, sometimes even without realizing it, I may write the reveal/scene again but make it work in the new context/placement.  I usually catch these repeated passages when I’m deep into the rewriting/polishing stages of the book.

Yesterday I hit another point in the novel wherein I realized I needed to add some logical explanation to something and, just like that, a new surprise/reveal came to me.  Whenever this happens, I can’t help but shake my head and smile.  It’s like this new “revelation” should have been there all along but, as it happens, I didn’t even consider it until the later stages of cleaning the novel up.

Still, better late than never!

Now for the (somewhat) bad news: I was really, really hoping that by today I’d be done with the latest revisions and moving on to printing this revised draft and going into the next reading/revising stage.  Obviously I’m not there yet and a combination of factors “helped” in this delay.

I don’t want to dwell on excuses but the reality is life has a frustrating habit of throwing curve balls and sometimes you just don’t have the time you wish to work.  Beyond that and as should be obvious by what I’ve written above, I’m in an especially delicate point of the book that requires a great deal of focus and thought.  When I’m at the “reveal” stages which are especially crucial in a novel, I tend to ssssllllloooooowwww down to make certain everything “works”.

It is my fervent hope that by next week I’ll finish this current draft and start up the next one.  Will it be the last?  While I hope so I think I’ll still need one more beyond that next one.  This upcoming draft will likely be focused on making sure any lingering story issues are resolved and the next one will make sure all grammatical/spelling issues are fixed.

Will the book be available by May?  Again, I really hope so.  I’m getting to that point I always reach with my novels where I want to “get it over with” and move on to a new book.

Regardless, even if I can’t quite get this novel out by May, it will be damned close to being ready and released.  If I can’t have it completed by May, then it will probably/likely be June.  It certainly will not be released much later than that!

Keep your fingers crossed!

Corrosive Knights, a 3/18/16 update

As of yesterday, just a little over two weeks after printing it out, I read through draft #7 of Corrosive Knights Book 6.

Corrosive Knights series

By “read through” I mean read it from start to end while making considerable notations, corrections, and additions. This process, in the earlier draft stages, can and has taken me sometimes as long as a month or more to do.  Therefore finishing the read through in a little over two weeks (and one of those weeks had my daughter over for Spring Break) is very good news indeed.

What it means is the draft and the story I’m telling “read” quite well.

While there are certain things I still have to fix, I’m pleasantly surprised by how little re-writing is necessary.  I’d say a good 70% or so of the book is, plot and storytelling-wise, done, with the other 30% requiring some rewriting and revision.  Of course, there’s also those pesky grammatical issues to deal with as well.

The bottom line is that as of today I’m back on the computer correcting those errors and/or revisions that need be done.  My hope is to get through this process in the next week to two weeks (we’ll see…I’ll once again have my attention drawn away from writing and towards other non-writing affairs at the tail end of March and into the first week or so of April.  How quickly I finish the revisions on this draft of the book depends on how much time is going to be sucked from my schedule during these days).

Second bottom line: I feel this book will be finished after no more than two further drafts.  One to make sure all the changes/revisions to the story are proper and one final draft to sort out any lingering grammatical issues.

Will the book be ready by May?

I really hope so but, because of some of these outside/non-writing time killers, I can’t be totally certain.  I’ll most certainly give it my best!

More news when I have it…